My face is itchy.
I haven’t shaved in a week, and I have significant amounts of stubble on the surface of my face. The stubble is uncomfortable and rather vindictive. I find often that it tries to tangle itself in zippers and Velcro to which I come in contact with. All of this is surprising to me, as I am in an unplanned, unanticipated process of growing a beard.

Giving birth to something is painful and costly.
The beard is costing me itchiness and discomfort. It is constantly costing me focus as it offers me a bit of distraction. It is costing me something, but hopefully the cost will give birth to something.
In the same way, there is a cost associated with following Jesus. Its difficult and trying, however, there is reward as our following Him does produce real and authentic life.
So if you’re itching … just know it might mean you’re growing and changing (or you might just need some lotion).